Patch notes

this will be the place holds all the patches not of the game


-**fix the ingrain so it heals Pokemon
-**fix PN underwater sprite not to be mixed up with the team Rocket one
-**fix some graphic errors on the Pallet Town 2 and MT Virdia maps
-**added Reka in the Casino
-**item finder mon counter to be 10 instead of 30
-**wobble ball description improvement to mention great ball to better fit the catch rate
-**Erika Nude is now updating correctly
-**temp added myself selling mints and Ability patches in the department store until I find a canon way to do it
-**Iron torch's pokedex entry has been updated to fix text error
-**fixed an error that caused Echo voice to crash the game
-**made sure Succavoire always be female
-**fixed so there is a pause between the finale Arena fight
-**tried to fix a bug that deletes players' party sometimes
-**The museum no longer teleports the player wrong
-**fixed a text error in GF sex scene
-**Fixed a crash with an image missing
-**added Nemona's Cutscene


*fixed a bug that froze the game if you lost against Nessa
*fixed a mistranslation and explained that the tournament is in north Celadon
*added a couple of W.I.P
*fixed so the game doesn't soft lock if you lose against Ren 
* added Nemona in the Casino


-**Balanced Nemona cameo battle to be the correct level
-** fixed a collision error in the storage house
-**fixed the double battle on SS Anna
-** fixed so the bosses show the  correct gender and name


Pokemon Entrancing Wishes 444 MB
46 days ago

Get Monster Entrancing Wishes


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there are 2 sarah fights, if i lose to the first i end up fighting the seemingly intended one inside the pokemon center. winning against the sarah fight with the boss health bar results in me being softlocked after catching sarah

if i win the first while only having 1 pokemon  i cannot catch sarah and am softlocked again.

i will have to check on it next week